Barrington Public Library

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Barrington Public Library

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Cardholders may borrow Library materials with the following conditions: 

  • Patron must present a valid and scannable library card, either the card itself or the card on Librista or cardstar. 
  • Items are returned in a timely fashion in good/acceptable condition. 
  • Fees do not exceed $2.00 per household. 
  • Damaged or lost items will result in a fee.
Item Circulation Period Max. Check Out # Max. Renewals
 Books 3 weeks 20 per card 2x
 Magazines 1 week 10 per card 1x
 Puppets 3 weeks

5 per household

 Audiobooks & Music CDs 3 weeks 10 per household 2x
 DVD Movies 1 week

10 per household

(Up to 2 new)

 DVD TV Shows 2 weeks

10 per household

(Up to 2 new)

 Equipment 1-2 weeks 1 per card 0x
 Activity Kits 3 weeks 2 per household 1x
 Inter Library Loans Varies by Library 10 per household Varies by Library
 Video Games 3 weeks

2 per card

(4 per household)

 Video Game Consoles 3 weeks 1 per household 0x


Item Limits

Check out limits may be adjusted at the discretion of the Director. Limits may be increased for valid reasons such as family emergencies, homeschooling needs, etc. Item limits may also be decreased due to damage of items or abuse of library card privileges. See table above for full list of material check out limits. 

Renewal Requests

Maximum renewals are dependent on the table above after the original checkout. Renewals are also dependent on patron past usage and if there are other patrons waiting for this item. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of Library staff. After specified maximum renewals have been reached, patrons will be required to bring the material(s) into the Library. If there are no other patrons waiting for the item, the Patron may check it in and recheck it out with the exception of new materials.

Renewals can be done:

  • Online via the Library Catalog. Sign in using your library card number as your username and your last name as the password. Your library card number will be found on the back of your library card. Go to the 'Items Out' tab and select the items you would like to renew. This may be done for any items that are not yet marked as overdue. If you need assistance please call, and the staff will help you through the process. 
  • By phone during open hours. New due dates will be relayed to the patron as well as any fines accrued if the item(s) or any past items were overdue. A receipt will be emailed to the patron if possible. Please do not leave messages outside of the Library open hours as these messages can be lost during a power outage. However, we will attempt to contact a patron if a message is received and renew the items if we are able to speak directly with the patron regarding the renewal(s). 
  • In person at the Circulation desk. New due dates will be relayed to the patron as well as any fines accrued if the items, or any past items were overdue and a receipt will be emailed or printed per the patron's preference.

Reserving Items

Items that are currently not on the shelf that a patron would like to check out can be reserved:

  • Online via the Library Catalog. Sign in using your last name or your library card number as the user name and your library card number as the password. Your library card number can be found on the back of your library card. Search for the item you would like to reserve and click on your item's title. From there, you can click on the reserve button and you will automatically be added to reserve list for this title. If you need assistance please call 603-664-9715 and staff will help you through the process.
  • By calling the Library at 603-664-9715 and talking with a member of the staff.
  • At the checkout desk when visiting the Library. 

Library staff can tell you what number your place is on the wait list to give you an idea of how long you may have to wait.

When the reserved item(s) arrive, staff will place it on the reserve shelf and the patron will be notified via the patron's preferred contact method. Reserves are held for two business days. After the allotted time the items will be returned to circulation status or placed on the reserve shelf for the next waiting patron. If you are unable to pickup the reserved item in the allotted time you may request to be added to the bottom of the reserve list again.

Apply for Your Library Card with this Link: