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Who can get a library card? And, how do I apply for one?
Any individual owning or renting property in the Town of Barrington may have a free library card. Proof of residency & a photo ID are required. A letter with your Barrington address, a bill to that address, or a tax bill are all acceptable should your license have a previous address printed on it. We also offer free cards to anyone working as a Barrington town employee or as a teacher in the Barrington school system, proof of town or school employment is required.
Children in kindergarten can get their own library card, but parents are still responsible for any fees until they are 18 years of age. Please note the privacy policy below if you are giving your child a card.
Patrons with chronic overdues may have their borrowing privileges reduced or revoked permanently.
The Barrington Public Library follows state laws concerning the privacy of all Library borrowing records. Titles of items on loan will only be disclosed to the card holder. Parents need to be aware that children have the same privacy rights as adults, and title names will not be given to parents without explicit permission given by the cardholder. If you choose, you can take items out on your card for your child until you feel they are ready for the responsibility. Please note: if your child comes to the Library by themselves, they must use their own library card and their privacy rights will be protected, unless you have given explicit permission for them to use your card. Signing off on your child's library card makes you financially responsible for lost, damaged, or late items on their card but it does not give you legal access to their private borrowing records. Children may access their accounts online just like adults, using their library card number and last name as their username/pin.
Yes, there is a $70.00 per year fee to get a household card for non-residents. Summer renters/campers may pay $20.00 for a card from June-August. Cash and Check is preferred. There will be a $2.00 service charge for payments done by Credit Card.
Is there a fee for a lost library card?
Yes, there is a $2.00 fee to cover costs of a new card.
What does it mean to be a 'fine free library'?
We have joined the growing collection of fine free libraries and will no longer be charging fines for items that become overdue. The Barrington Public Library is committed to removing financial barriers to library services and further providing equitable access to informational resources for all.
Please know that although we are eliminating fines, this does not mean we are eliminating responsibility. Patrons are still expected to return their items by their due date and in good condition. If a patron misplaces or damages an item they borrowed, they will be responsible for the replacement cost.
Additional details on 'fine free library'
Do I have to have my card with me to check out materials?
We do prefer that you use your library card, however, we can also use your license as identification. Other options are to download the Librista app and input your card information or use Cardstar on your phone. We can also take a photo of you to add to your account.
Are fees charged on late Library materials? What if I lose an item?
There are no late fees.
Inter-library loan materials may only be renewed by phone if the loaning Library agrees to extend the loan period.
Any items lost or damaged by a patron will be charged a fee. We do not accept new items as replacement for lost or damaged items.
Can I still access the free download site with outstanding fees, lost items, or an expired card?
In order to use many of our online services your account must be clear of these items. Household cards are linked, so fees or lost items on one member's card may effect download capabilities for the entire household. If any household member has an item overdue, every household account will be blocked until items are returned or renewed. Cards expire every 2 years, so just call and update your information to stay active in our system (every 1 year for non-residents).
Can I pay my fees by credit or debit card?
The Library can't afford the fees associated with credit card purchases so we have set up a PayPal account in which patrons can use their existing credit or debit card to pay online. Cash or check is preferred as we still have to pay fees to take in funds using PayPal. The online fee payment option should not be used for fees under $2.00. The payment button can be accessed by logging into your account via our OPAC catalog, clicking on the fines tab, and choosing PayPal's 'Pay Now' in the bottom corner. All fees are removed from your account by the system once the transaction is processed. The fee listed will include all fees from any household members whose card are linked.
Are there limits on the number of items I can check out?
Yes, we have a limit of 20 items per card. This is extended for parents checking out materials for the entire family at staff discretion.
You can renew items in person, over the phone during open hours, or you can access your account online in the OPAC catalog. Remember that you must renew items BEFORE they become overdue in our online system. If they are already past due, you'll need to call the Library at 603-664-9715 to complete this task. Your username is your your Library card number and your password is your last name, all lowercase. Passwords may be changed by the patron but if the patrons forget their password, library staff must reset it. All household accounts will be suspended if any item goes past 7 days overdue.
Is there a fee to use the public computers or wireless connection?
All access is free to the public. There is a 1-hour time limit on public PCs (unlimited time for wireless access). Time may be extended if no other patrons are waiting to use a computer terminal.
Is there a fee to print or make copies?
Yes, there is a $0.10 per page fee for black and white copies and a $0.50 per page fee for color copies. Black and white double-sided copies are $0.15 and color doubles are $0.75. We prefer cash or check for payment. If you must use a credit/debit card, you will be charged a minimum of $2.00.
Can I fax or scan an item from your Library?
Yes, you may have a staff member fax an item for you. Our faxing service is free for personal use. Faxing for a business or a work-from-home business is $ .50 per page. Incoming faxes are charged just the $0.10 per page for the paper. If you are having a fax sent here for you, please call ahead to alert the staff. Scans can be done to a USB stick. We prefer cash or check for payment. If you must use a credit/debit card, you will be charged a minimum of $2.00.
Do you have tax forms available?
The Library has instruction booklets, 1040 forms, and 1040-SR forms available for your convenience. We have a limited supply, so please take only what you need. Should these forms run out, The Library will provide the first copy of forms for free, and any additional copies will be charged $0.10 per page or $0.15 per double-sided page. You can download the PDF versions on the IRS website at The IRS has cut back on sending forms to libraries.
Yes, you can reserve items in person, by phone, or from our OPAC catalog. You can even create a "watch list" in the catalog by adding authors or subjects to your list. When a new item is cataloged with that watch term, you'll get an e-mail alerting you of it's arrival so you can then go and reserve it! When reserving online, we ask that you use this function primarily for items that are currently out to another patron. If there are a large number of items (3 or more) listed as "in", we suggest a visit to the Library to pick out the items. We do not have enough staff to be pulling multiple "on shelf" items for patrons. Please give staff 24 hours to pull reserves.
Yes, we have notary on staff. Please call ahead to make sure a notary is scheduled before coming down. You will need a photo ID and documents must NOT be pre-signed. There is no fee! We ask that patrons make a donation to the Library in place of a set fee if they can afford to do so.
What programs does the Library offer?
The Library offers many programs for children, teens, and adults. Details can be found in our current calendar of events. We have story times for young children; special events like singers, puppeteers, book groups, magicians, storytellers, Chautauqua performers, educational talks, and slide shows; and computer and technology classes. Patrons can also sign up to have their collections or artwork displayed at the Library.
Can you deliver books to me if I am homebound?
Yes, the Library will deliver books to any Barrington resident who is unable to come to the Library due to illness or lack of transportation. We do ask that patrons look to family and friends first as a way to meet this need but we are happy to deliver if alternate methods can not be found. Simply call 603-664-0193 and ask for the Director to set up a card and delivery schedule.
What resources does the Library have?
The Library has a collection of over 40,000 items ranging from picture books, to fiction, to non-fiction and reference items. We also house a portion of the Historical Society Collection. We have over 4,800 DVDs, including educational, classics, and current releases. We also offer audiobooks on CD for all ages, music CD's, puppets to check out, activity kits for children, and console video games for Wii, WiiU, PS3, PS4, XBox360, XBoxOne, and NintendoSwitch. We also carry magazines for check out. We have FREE Wi-fi and and many devices available to check out including a sewing machine and telescope.
What local items do you have for sale? Do You have a book sale?
Yes, we have an ongoing book sale in our hallway. Items will be sold on a donation basis with a minimum donation of $0.25 cents. We also sell copies of the local Barrington histories (Wiggin $18.00 and Emhardt $20.00) and the Graveyards of Barrington book ($20.00). We also have Barrington Library Book Bags for sale for $15.00. We have coffee, tea, and hot cocoa for sale for $1.00 per cup.
Is there a fee for inter-library loan?
There is no fee for items we can locate within New Hampshire. If you wish to search out of state for an item, a minimum $6.00 fee will be charged and any fees the lending Library charges will be your responsibility. We always inform you of charges before processing an out of state request.
Can I have an exam proctored at the Library?
Yes. You must call ahead to schedule a time with staff. Any costs associated with forwarding the test via mail, fax, or any other method must be paid by the customer taking the test.