Barrington Public Library

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Barrington Public Library

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Current Library Services



Inter-Library Loans (ILL)


  • There is a limit of 10 ILL requests checked out per family at any one time.  
  • Items must be returned before further ILL requests will be taken and processed.  
  • A maximum of 30 ILL requests per calendar month is allowed.  

Limitations are in place due to limited staff time, limited space on State transport vans, and the liability of the Library to pay for lost items should a patron fail to return ILL items. Please search the BPL catalog before requesting an item via Inter-Library Loan. We only request items the Library does not own or multiple copies needed for book groups.

Do not give general requests for a subject; Inter Library Loan requests are for ordering a specific title. Should you need assistance with a general subject search, please call 603-664-9715 and our staff will be happy to help you. Please request only what you can reasonably read within a 3 week loan period as multiple renewals require phone calls to each lending Library and some libraries do not renew ILL loans.

Inter-Library Loan items are brought to us via-van from all across the state; please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Please be aware that new bestsellers may be hard for us to obtain since many libraries do not loan new items for at least one year. We will try our best to fill all ILL requests promptly.

We will inform you via phone or e-mail should we not be able to fill your request immediately.

Click here to access the Inter-Library Loan Request Form


The Library will deliver books to any Barrington resident who is unable to come to the Library due to illness or lack of transportation. We do ask that patrons look to family and friends first as a way to meet this need, but we are happy to deliver if alternate methods can not be found. Simply call 603-664-0193 and ask for the Director to set up a card and delivery schedule.


We have computer access at the Library! All access is free to the public. There is a 1-hour time limit on public PCs (unlimited time for wireless access on your own device). Time may be extended if no other patrons are waiting to use a computer terminal. Please let a member of the staff know if you are in need of more time or general computer assistance.

Internet Access

The Barrington Public Library currently offers free Intenet access in a variety of ways. 

Patrons may come in to the Library and access online material at one of the workstations that the Library provides and maintains. These workstations run on a system that erases all history once the patron logs out. Any work done by the patron is not saved. Work that the patron wants to preserve and save must be saved to a standalone device (e.g., a thumb drive) or saved to a patron's online account. This is done to protect patron privacy. 

Patrons using Library workstations are asked to limit their time to one hour blocks, although time may be extended if there are no patrons waiting for access. 

Patrons may also bring in their own devices and log in to the Library's wireless network (WiFi). Patrons using this method will be asked to read and agree to terms and conditions before accessing online services. 

The name of our WiFi network for Patrons is Barrington Public Library. Once you choose that network, a window will pop up and ask you to agree to terms